Dogs and naloxone – March 2022
We have been hearing in community that people are concerned about possible opiate overdose in their dogs and unsure what to do. We did some research and put together this pamphlet on naloxone (Narcan) and rescue breathing for dogs. To make the text line up, print the pamphlet double-sided then fold it in half one way, then in half the other way (with page 2 on the inside of all the folding).
We want to be clear that a dog overdosing does NOT mean their person is bad at taking care of their furry family member. Dogs put everything in their mouths, that’s what dogs do. Many people (not just people who use drugs) have their dogs get sick from eating things they shouldn’t. With capitalism and criminalization of certain kinds of drugs, there’s incentive to make drugs more concentrated & potent so they can be more easily transported with greater profit. This means fentanyl and carfentanil are increasingly in street drugs — and it doesn’t take much of these drugs to overdose humans, let alone smaller animals like dogs. As usual the real problem is harmful laws and policies!

Pocket guide to safer use of ‘molly’ / MDMA
Brand new! Made by us!
We made this in response to Indigenous youth overdosing after taking Molly (MDMA). It’s unknown if they overdosed on Molly, or on something in the Molly like Fentanyl. We know there’s a couple of spelling mistakes in the first one but we don’t have access to the tech atm – besides, we’re practising anti-perfection!
Printing & Folding instructions
- Print double-sided in B&W or color, flip on “long edge”
- Fold in half along longest dotted line – the side with the printing all the same way goes to the inside
- Fold in thirds on shorter dotted lines – the square that says “a pocket guide to molly” is the front left page
Made by other awesome folks
The following is a list of things/people/works that have influenced us, inspired us, we’ve found helpful, have given us language, etc. We hope to update this list as we time goes on, as we remember all the awesome resources we’ve come across, and as we come across new ones.
Indigenous Harm Reduction = Reducing the Harms of Colonialism
White supremacy culture – This is a list of characteristics of white supremacy culture that show up in our organizations
Crackdown Podcast
A monthly podcast about drugs, drug policy and the drug war led by drug user activists and supported by research. Each episode will tell the story of a community fighting for their lives. It’s also about solutions, justice for those we have lost, and saving lives.The podcast is led by an editorial board made up of some of Vancouver’s most experienced drug user activists.
Territory Acknowledgment Resources
The Drug War Reading List – compiled by Zöe Dodd
NYSHN – Native Youth Sexual Health Network – The Native Youth Sexual Health Network (NYSHN) is an organization by and for Indigenous youth that works across issues of sexual and reproductive health, rights and justice throughout the United States and Canada.
WAHRS – The Western Aboriginal Harm Reduction Society is an organization of Indigenous people who are current and former users of illicit drugs and/or illicit alcohol.
Toronto Indigenous Harm Reduction
A grassroots Indigenous led support system that receives incredible volunteer and donation support from many members of our community.
TIHR Facebook page
TIHR Instagram
Barnard Center for Research on Women
Videos with subtitles – almost all under 5 mins
The Modern Roots of Transformative Justice
How Shame Can Block Accountability
Transforming Harm: Experiments in Accountability